The french PASDB team
For several years, the humanitarian and non-profit association of general interest PASDB (Pour une Action Sociale Durable en Birmanie/for a Sustainable Social Action in Burma), has been financing several social programs in Burma, mainly in the access to drinkable water, the education for all and help for the elderly.
PASDB is independent, non-sectarian, apolitical, and relies only on donations (no subsidies received so far).
The association, in different ways, supports small local Burmese NGOs or religious and lay structures, which take care of specially vulnerable people (orphans or destitute children, families with one or more handicapped children, etc.).
Indeed, these Burmese structures and NGOs have actually a perfect field knowledge, on which we rely to develop our social projects for the benefit of thousands of people who are often in a survival situation.
The number of 50,000 people (including 17,000 children) directly helped by PASDB's programs has just been reached!